Ashtanga and General Hatha Yoga

Kids classes recommence May 4

Kids yoga classes at Sun Salute start up with the start of Term 2, tomorrow:

> Mondays 3:40 – 4:30 10 – 13 years Yoga, for meditation, health, fitness and fun (…learning a new language and getting into some crazy positions. We work on the Ashtanga sequence when we can)

> Tuesdays 3:40 – 4:10 Littlies 3 – 6yrs old General Yoga, for all of the above reasons and lots of story telling (from us and them)
This year Victoria West will take this class. Victoria has a very gentle and warm approach and has a love and affinity for Satyananda yoga. She has two young children of her own.

> Thursdays 3:40 – 4:30 7 – 10 years General Yoga (fun and light and a little serious too. This class is going great guns and I am amazed at what the kids can do)

All welcome. Please enquire further if you would like. Or just pop in and see how things go. Attendance can be week to week or you can book in for the whole term.

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