Ashtanga and General Hatha Yoga

One Day At A Time Retreats

Seven sacred days  filled with yoga,
mini workshops and nutritious food

Presenting seven one-day yoga retreats on a Saturday over the course of a year, in which to step out of daily busyness. Each one day retreat starts and ends with a yoga practice. The focal point is a group workshop experience in which to explore a particular theme. There will be time to discuss and explore findings and time to rest and enjoy some silent time completely to yourself. We’ll also come together to enjoy each others company over lovingly prepared vegetarian food.

Please send an email or phone us if you would like to book in.

To paraphrase author and contemporary spirituality teacher Carolyn Myss, the ask of the modern person seeking connection to their Spirit is akin to becoming a mystic without a monastery. We are tasked with growing and
nurturing our Spirit while engaged in increasingly busy secular lives.


Cost: $120/one day retreat. All inclusive
Included: yoga sessions, workshops, massage,
2 vegetarian meals plus teas/coffees
8am – 4pm
15 pp max.
Location: private residence, rural Rototuna

Timetable RETREAT No. 2
Saturday July 25

8:00 – 9:30am     Yoga practice
9:30 – 10:30am    Brunch
10:30 – 11:30am    Workshop with Meditation
11:30am – 12:30pm  Shared experience/Q n A
12:30 – 1:30pm  Late Lunch / Massages
1:30 – 3:30pm  Massages / Silent time  / Rest
3:30 – 4:15pm   Yoga practice and days end.



June 13 2015   – * Fully booked

Retreat 1. Understanding Ourselves Through Our Archetypes.
A mini workshop exploring our own personal archetypes
and the role they have in shaping the decisions we make in our lives.
Using the symbolism of archetypes you will learn how understanding
these patterns can shine a light on your own personal Sacred Contract.



July 25  – booked. A lovely day!

Retreat 2. Meditation For Personal And Spiritual Growth
Through creating an internal sanctuary and reconnecting
with your internal guidance system you will in this workshop,
be setting up a pathway for easy access to your intuitive self.
This pathway will allow you to enter easily into a meditative
space for your mental, emotional and spiritual growth.

** Please send an email or phone us if you would like to book in.


 Aug 29   –  run as an afternoon workshop at studio

Retreat 3. Ancestral DNA And Its Impact On Our Lives

This mini workshop will be look at the role our ancestors
choices made that are impacting on our behaviour and
at how we can free ourselves from this impact.




>> Weekend Retreat:

Thursday 1 – Sunday 4 October 2015

Chakra Life

Our annual three day retreat. Situated at Waitetuna Retreat Centre. 


 Dec 5

Retreat 4. Setting Goals For Change

This technique is a gift from the world of Kinesiology.
So deeply does your new goal enter into your system
and impact your life using this system that choosing exactly
the right words for your goal is crucial. This workshop
will teach you this life changing skill.



Feb 27 2016

Retreat 5. Dissolving Reactivity

In this workshop we will be examining the patterns of
reactivity we fall into and learning a beautifully simple
technique that allows us to break these patterns.



Mar 19 2016

Retreat 6. Nourishing And Balancing The Endocrine System

So many of our persistent ailments arise as a result of this
system being assaulted by stress, additives in our food and
beverages, medication and not least, by our thoughts and our feelings.
The endocrine system is a highly responsive feedback mechanism
and it is important we learn to listen to that feedback.
In this workshop we will be learning a technique from the Reiki world
in order to work energetically with the endocrine system in order to
bring it back into balance.



April 30

Retreat 7. Physical Healing And The Meridians

This workshop will be teaching you how to access powerful points
on the body in order to facilitate physical healing.
They are very easy to use and a fantastic skill
you can share with your family and friends.



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