Zoom memberships

Zoom in from the comfort of home … wherever you may be in the world.

Starter Zoom gives you access to the weekly ‘zoom exclusive’ class only, on a Thursday at 8:30am NZT given by Katie. You’ll receive a new practice each week as well as tips and advice for expanding on your home practice. The class will be recorded live and sent to your inbox each week!

Total Zoom gives you access to the lot: The above Live Zoom class and the as they happen in-studio classes weekly, zoomed for your convenience:

  • Ashtanga Led 8:30am Monday and Wednesday
  • Hatha 10:15am Monday
  • Hatha 9:15am Tuesday
  • Hatha 6:00pm + Ashtanga 7:30pm Wednesday
  • Yin 9:45am Thursday
  • Yoga midday 12:15pm Thursday
  • Ashtanga Led 9:15am + Yin 11am Friday
  • Guided Relaxation 12:30pm Friday

Starter Zoom

Attend the weekly Yoga at Home class only.


  • Pause or cancel anytime.

Total Zoom

Attend all Zoom sessions.


  • Pause or cancel anytime.