The 31 Club

31 days of yoga, 31 minutes per day. $31 to enter. That’s the 31 Club.

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This January, we gathered daily.

What a journey it’s been.

Stay tuned for news of how we went, what was found and … what will come next.

The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.

T.K.V. Desikachar
Your questions answered

Due to the success of the January 2025 Club, we’re working on the next one. Watch this space!

Yes … Live yoga classes, everyday for the whole month for only $31.

We’re keen to show you how powerful a small daily act of self-care can be and we want to make it as easy as possible financially.

We’ve also put together a PDF booklet with all the information you need to get started. Including a calendar to keep you on track, and tips to make the journey easier and more enjoyable.

Keep in the loop and receive news of when the next club is.

No, you don’t. There’s a certain kind of magic in turning up for the live classes — knowing you are doing them collectively with others from around the globe.

But if 11am doesn’t work for you, no worries! You will be sent a recording of the class each day and you’ll have 48 hours to enjoy that replay.

Those lucky enough to practise yoga in Hamilton, New Zealand will know Katie.

World famous in Hamilton 🙂

She has been teaching yoga since 1995, and has owned the Sun Salute Yoga Centre down Lovegrove Lane since 2011. Katie has the ability to gather the ancient teachings of yoga, and make them understandable and accessible to all. 

It is super easy. If you don’t have access to a teenager to help you out, just follow these super simple steps:

1. Have your computer, phone, tablet or laptop ready. If using a phone or tablet you’ll need the Zoom app (easy and free to download). If using a computer/laptop, you won’t.

2. Open the email sent to you by us via ‘Punchpass’. Each day will have a different email.

3. Click on the link and follow the prompts (OK this or that, accept launch, put in password if it asks for one, etc)

4. A screen should come up with the Sun Salute logo — you’re in the zoom room. Wait there till the class starts.

5. Toggle video on, if you’d like to be seen.

6. Audio will not be able to be turned on, until a few mins before the class. Then it’ll be muted again.

You can. If you google ‘casting zoom to my TV’ lots of little pointers and videos come up. Here’s some info:

Tap Cast screen to mirror your phone’s display and audio on your TV. Open Zoom to cast your Zoom call to your TV. As long as the Zoom app is front and centre on your phone or tablet, you’ll also see it on your TV.

Other than your access to computer and internet, you’ll just need a little space to move freely. A yoga mat would be good, but not necessary. A towel or blanket, an eye pillow perhaps, to cover up with at the end. It would be good if you had a quiet private space where you won’t be interrupted. Follow your instruction booklet for a few more cues and ideas.

Yes, if you do what is safe for you. You’ll need to move/shift very carefully in relation to your injury. Sit in a chair or use bolsters and pillows for any sitting poses. Steady yourself by a wall for any standing postures. If you found straight away that some/all movement were too difficult (it will be moderate/easy most of the time), just sit and watch and listen. There will be elements of meditation, a reading every day and a good rest. These things may be the riches you need!

Yes it will. Yoga is for everyone. All bodies, and all abilities. Katie is great with beginners and you’ll be encouraged to take your time.

We’ll go through some simple yoga āsana (postures), some work on breathing as well as explore some yoga philosophy.

Katie often talks of yoga being an inward journey, there’s no need to compare or compete with others. 

Come as you are, yoga will meet you there.

Totally OK. Do the classes you can. See what happens! Don’t forget you’ll have the recording each day to do the session at times that suit you. Even if you got a couple of classes a week in, you’re ahead.

You sure can. How wonderful it is that technology allows such things to happen! Just zoom in from wherever you are, and let’s all be together.