Yoga therapy

Healing through connection and self-empowerment.


Yoga seeks to bring us in touch with our true nature, connected to the light in our hearts and in-tune with our calling.

Yoga therapy is a healing process. It’s more specific and involved than attending a yoga class, where advice and care may be very helpful but is general or universal in nature and more of a journey than a one-off private lesson.

As such ‘yoga as therapy’ is ancient but in the West we’ve only started to really understand how beneficial if can be. The father of modern yoga, the great Krishnamacharya was a proponent of teaching yoga as therapy. He was passionate about yoga being individualised and he taught in this way.

Krishnamacharya’s student’s include some of the most prominent teachers in recent history. Teachers who have come to share yoga to the rest of the world: K Pattabhi Jois, B.K.S Iyengar and T.K.V Desikachar.

Meditation, asana, pranayama, mantra, chanting, observation of ethics (the Yamas and Niyamas) will all be used in yoga therapy. As will the offerings of Ayurveda (lifestyle and dietary recommendations).

A private lesson may simply be about having the opportunity to run through a set sequence of yoga, be it energising or relaxing, on your own with a teacher at a time and a place that works for you.

With yoga therapy, a journey or an exploration is taking place and the connection of the therapist and the care seeker is key. At times the advise given may be very minimal, but it’s a process.

There is a pledge made by the care seeker to take away something from a session be it advice or a home yoga practice and to apply it into daily life.

Often the chance to be heard and held, to have your unique set of circumstances considered, is enough to set you on a path of healing.

For any reason where you’d like help managing imbalances in your body and life, be it physiological or psychological. Issues such as back pain, digestive issues, chronic headache, overwhelm, insomnia, anxiety, depression could all be addressed with yoga therapy.

Yoga may help you understand root causes of pain, manage symptoms and even simply sleep better.

This journey of acceptance and self discovering may bring the clarity and self-empowerment you need for positive change.

A first consultation will take around 90 mins where a thorough interview and observation process takes place. Recommendations or a home practice are given in the first session.

Follow up sessions may be around 60 minutes.

Initial session, full price: $150
Subsequent sessions, full price: $90

Payment plans or koha are options if you need.

  1. Yes, there can be.
  2. The idea is that a profile of care is built between you and the therapist. You might take away some things to try, a new practice or new habits to adopt and work on these things over 4 or 5 weeks. It’s then that the need to return to the therapist may be a good idea, to unravel the findings and to expand on them.
  3. You might find the things you’ve tried from the very first session have helped with your issue, and that’s all you need.

Your yoga therapy session will be with Katie Deare.

Katie has been teaching yoga since 1995 and studying Yoga Therapy and Vedic Chanting with the Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation since 2020.

If you are interested, contact her for a no-cost 15 minute phone call or in-person chat to see if it’s something you’d like to pursue.